Cisco CCNP Training in jalandhar

Netmax Technologies in good place for Cisco CCNP Training in jalandhar .CISCO Certified network professional (Cisco CCNP Training in jalandhar, Punjab)- One of the most popular courses available in the Netmax for the aspiring learners of Networking knowledge. NetMax also awarded as the best CCNP Training Institute in East Asia.A valid CCNA certification is the first requirement to go with CCNP training which focuses on managing routers, switches and edge applications that could integrate voice, wireless as well as security into the network. CCNP certified student assures us that he have complete knowledge and has enough hands on skills which is required for network core like installation, configuration as well as troubleshoot converged local and wide area networks where nodes may be 100 to 500 or more.

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CCNP Training in punjab

Netmax uses real equipment to conduct raining in jalandhar:-

Routers (1841, 2611xm, 2800, 3640, 3800, 7200)
Switches (2950, 3550, 4000)

Cisco Certified Network Professional (CCNP Training) validates knowledge and skills required to install, configure and troubleshoot converged local and wide area networks with 100 to 500 or more nodes. With a CCNP certification, a network professional demonstrates the knowledge and skills required to manage the routers and switches that form the network core, as well as edge applications that integrate voice, wireless, and security into the network. The CCNP training curriculum includes building scalable Cisco networks, Cisco multi layer switched networks, securing converged wide area networks, and optimizing converged networks.

Advance CCNP Training  cisco ccnp training in jalandhar Cisco CCNP Training in jalandhar CCNP Training in jalandhar
Advance CCNP Training

Fee Structure for Cisco CCNP Training in jalandhar

Options Regular FAST TRACK Weekend(Sat & Sun)
Course Duration  90 Days  40 Days  15 Weekends
Course Fee  INR 15,000  INR 12,000  INR 25,000

Batch Dates for Cisco CCNP Training in jalandhar for NetMax .

Month First Batch Second Batch Third Batch Fourth Batch
Dec 7th Dec, 2015 14th Dec, 2015 21st Dec, 2015 28th Dec, 2015
Jan 4th Jan, 2016 11th Jan, 2016 18th Jan, 2016 25th Jan, 2016
advance ccnp training cisco ccnp training in jalandhar Cisco CCNP Training in jalandhar CCNP training in jalandhar
advance ccnp training

Under the curriculum of CCNP training in Netmax includes building scalable Cisco networks, Cisco multilayer switched networks, securing converged wide area networks, and optimizing converged networks.Why Netmax in best institute for CCNP Training in Netmax Punjab.This program is shaped by specialist who is balanced with quality training with in-depth concept driven and skill development program. Courses which are provided by NetMax handled by industry experienced and internationally certified Trainers which assures quality standards. CCNP Training in Netmax presenting at the excellence level serving students across the globe. Expertise associated to provide services should be rewarded since they put their efforts not only to make the students to crack the exams but also prepare them how to cope in the networking industry.

Netmax has no office for Cisco CCNP Training in jalandhar please contact us

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